Two online webinars prior to the conference on June 16 and September 16, 2021 have set the stage for the conference by providing:
An understanding of the present situation regarding aviation and climate change
An assessment of technological solutions for mitigating negative environmental impacts
A review and discussion of ongoing research, policy initiatives and institutional issues.
1st Pre-Conference Webinar 16 June 2021
Aviation and Climate Change:
Given What We Know Today, What Should Europe Do Tomorrow?
Panel 1: Setting the stage
Drawing on the latest scientific advances in understanding aviation’s total climates impacts, this session discusses what moves might best be made first, and the overall business case for mitigating these impacts. It sheds light on the main drivers of aviation climate impacts, and how best to mitigate these. It touches on adaptation costs and the little-known effects of climate change on operations (clear air turbulences, jetstream changes, and unpredictable weather for example). The session will seek to identify key technologies and associated policy measures.
Jagoda Egeland
Advisor to the Secretary-General, Aviation Policy Lead
International Transport Forum at the OECD
Volker Grewe
Professor of Atmospheric Science
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen
Arne Roth
Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering
and Biotechnology IGB, Berlin, Germany
Marc Stettler
Imperial College London, UK
Panel 2: European Policy Scene: What policy options are currently being debated in Europe
Given the EU’s ‘Green Deal’ and the broader context of the recent shift in US policy on climate change, this Panel will briefly review the record of Market Based Measures such as emissions trading systems (ETSs), ticket taxes, and environmentally determined airport charges in reducing European aviation’s climate footprint to date. The panel will discuss what might be the best future approaches; for example should there be a stronger aviation ETS? What elements should be included in an aviation ETS? What role will IATA’s CORSIA play in Europe? What is the current thinking on fuel taxation? The panel will also consider the role of command and control measures such as national CO2 caps or mandated use of sustainable aviation fuels.
Bill Hemmings
Rosetta Advisory, Brussels
Aki Kachi
New Climate Institute Berlin
Jakob Graichen
Öko-Institut, Berlin
Thomas Reynaert
Airlines for Europe (A4E), Brussels
2nd Pre-Conference Webinar 16 September 2021
Decarbonising Air Transport: Acting Now for the Future.
Panel 3: OECD/ITF presentation
This session will be organised and chaired by the International Transport Forum at the OECD (ITF). The ITF will invite key experts behind its recent report on decarbonising air transport, which provides an overview of technological, operational and policy measures that can accelerate the decarbonisation of aviation. The goal of the report is to support governments and aviation stakeholders looking to introduce aviation decarbonisation measures regionally, nationally and internationally. The discussion will focus on the possible paths to decarbonising the aviation sector, bearing in mind the costs or unintended consequences of different policy measures and potential barriers to their implementation.
Jagoda Egeland
Advisor to the Secretary-General, Aviation Policy Lead
International Transport Forum at the OECD
David Lee
Professor of Atmospheric Science
Director of Centre for Aviation, Transport, and the Environment (CATE)
Manchester Metropolitan University
Maximilian Held
Consultant at Energy Transitions Commission
Associate at SYSTEMIQ
Climate action expert at Mission Possible Partnership
Pierpaolo Cazzola
Advisor on Energy, Technology & Environmental Sustainability
International Transport Forum at the OECD
Magnus Gislev
Team Leader Environment & Aviation, European Commission – Mobility and Transport Directorate-General (DG MOVE)
The EAC Pre-Conference Webinars were hosted by Dublin City University / DCU Business School.