AMEC 2021 Conference Program
The German Aviation Research Society (GARS) in collaboration with the European Aviation Conference Institute are delighted to invite academics, aviation practitioners, policy makers and other stakeholders to participate in the
2021 Aviation Management and Economics Conference (AMEC)
“Aviation and the environment”
29th & 30th November 2021, Online
The conference will be hosted online by the Dublin City University Business School, Ireland.
AMEC serves as a platform for diverse, high quality research in air transport economics, transportation management and fields related fields in the context of aviation. AMEC builds on the Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD) COST Action network and encourages research in air transport and regional development. AMEC shares the same overarching theme as that of the European Aviation Conference (EAC) and is planned to take place right before the EAC.
This year, AMEC will have two separate submissions streams: One session stream will offer PhD students the chance to present their ongoing or completed work, related to all topics in air transport management and economics. Another sessions stream, open to practitioners and academics, is dedicated to topics in the environmental domain.
Day 1 - 29th November 2021
9:45-10:00 Introduction - Opening Remarks Marina Efthymiou, Hans-Martin Niemeier, Benny Mantin and Andreas Papatheodorou
Welcome Address by Colm O'Gorman, Dean of DCU
10:00-10:30 Keynote Address "Climate Change and the Aviation Investment Outlook"
Doramas Jorge-Calderón, Lead Economist, Aviation, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
PhD Student Session I - Chair: Benny Mantin, University of Luxembourg
10:30-11:00 Nicole Adler (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) and Shravan Kumar (TU Dresden and Bremen City University of Applied Sciences)
Efficiency Assessment of Airports and the Impact of Regulation on Performance
Discussant: Hao Lang
11:00-11:30 Bassam Tariq (University of Antwerp)
Impact of Transatlantic Joint Ventures on Flight Scheduling
Discussant: Shravan Kumar
11:30-12:00 Hao Lang and Achim Czerny (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A pricing versus slots game when airports compete
Discussant: Bassam Tariq
12:00-12:15 COFFEE BREAK
Aviation and the Environment Session I - Chair: Marina Efthymiou, Dublin City University
12:15-12:45 Peter Forsyth (Monash University)
Aviation Fuel Taxation and Emissions: An Economic Analysis
12:45-13:15 Kok Fong See (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Azwan Abdul Rashid (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) and
Ming-Miin Yu (National Taiwan Ocean University)
Measuring network capacity utilization and environmental efficiency of global airlines
13:15-13:45 Ane Elixabete Ripoll-Zarraga (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and
Sonia Huderek-Glapska (Poznan University of Economics and Business)
Does air transport support sustainable development in CEE countries?
13:45-14:30 LUNCH BREAK
Aviation and the Environment Session II - Chair: Hans-Martin Niemeier, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences
14:30-15:00 Gerben de Jong (Hebrew University Jerusalem and SEO AMSTERDAM ECONOMICS)
Impacts of the European Emissions Trading Scheme on airline fleet management
15:00-15:30 Stefan Baumeister (University of Jyväskylä), Tim Ryley (Griffith University) and Abraham Leung (Griffith University)
Can fully electric aircraft lead the path towards zero-emissions’ aviation?
15:30-16:00 Alessandro Massaro
Airports, airlines, and land price through some evaluations about the KEF (ICE) International Airport planning system
16:00-16:15 Wrap-Up Day 1 - Marina Efthymiou, Benny Mantin, Andreas Papatheodorou
Day 2 - Tuesday, 30th November 2021
10:00-10:30 Keynote Address "Economics of Climate Policy in Aviation"
Stef Proost (KULeuven and TML)
PhD Student Session II - Chair: Andreas Papatheodorou, University of the Aegean
10:30-11:00 Maxim Fokeev and Nikolay Filinov (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
COVID-19: Ways and drivers of value proposition transformation of Russian airlines
Discussant: Nikola Lukačević
11:00-11:30 Noel Hiney, Marina Efthymiou and Edgar Morgenroth (Dublin City University)
Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Irish Airports and their Stakeholder Relationships
Discussant: Maxim Fokeev
11:30-12:00 Nikola Lukačević, Emir Ganić and Bojana Mirković (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering)
Assessment of Noise Impact of Aircraft Operations around Podgorica Airport
Discussant: Noel Hiney
12:00-12:45 LUNCH BREAK
Aviation and the Environment Session III - Chair: Wolfgang Grimme, German Aerospace Center, Cologne
12:45-13:15 Hans-Martin Niemeier (Bremen City University of Applied Science) and Peter Forsyth (Monash University)
Can optimizing capacity and new capacity at airports help improve fuel and emissions efficiency?
13:15-13:45 David Yu (New York University)
ESG Factors Trends in Aircraft ABS Issuances
13:45-14:15 Bill Hemmings (Rosetta Advisory)
Taxing international aviation fuel
14:15-14:30 COFFEE BREAK
Aviation and the Environment Session IV - Chair: Hans-Martin Niemeier, City University of Applied Sciences, Bremen
14:30-15:00 Frank Fichert (University of Applied Sciences Worms) and Matthias Whittome (DFS)
Air traffic control and climate change – Impact, mitigation options, and EU regulatory framework
15:00-15:30 Mario Solazzo, Lidia Travascio and Angela Vozella (CIRA S.C.p.A.)
Air Transport Perspective in Italy in COVID Era from 2020 to 2025
15:30-16:00 Marina Efthymiou (Dublin City University) and Ioanna Pagoni (University of Aegean)
Carbon offsetting: What are the attitudes of young passengers?
16:00-16:30 Keynote Address: "Carbon Pricing: National Policy vs International Cooperation"
Katharine Lauderdale & Dan Elliott, Frontier Economics
16:30-16:45 Closing Remarks
Maria Efthymiou, Hans-Martin Niemeier, Benny Mantin and Andreas Papatheodorou
Registration for AMEC will be through the EAC website Participants are highly encouraged to book the AMEC and EAC Conference package!
Impressions of AMEC 2019: